Backstage Signing Experiences
- We will meet you at a designated area at the venue, prior to the show to organize details etc. After the show, you and your guests will be escorted backstage to MEET GENE SIMMONS, in Make-up!
- Please note, while meeting and chatting with Gene…you can ask Gene ANYTHING!!
- You will find that Gene Simmons is very down to earth, funny and knowledgeable on most any subject.
Gene Simmons 50th Anniversary Punisher
Custom Leather, Gold Studded Punisher – Made To Order
Available As Stage Played Only

Classic AXE
M&G Pkg $6500
Stage Played pricing starts at
$12,500. * (Blood AXE $14,995)
*Will vary based on show date,
Blood Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

Classic Punisher
M&G Pkg $6500
Stage Played pricing starts at
$12,495. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

White Punisher
Stage Played pricing starts at
$12,495. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info..

Red Flake Punisher
M&G Pkg $6500
Stage Played pricing starts at
$12,495. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

A Tribute to the Pedulla 1988 MVP4 – The Gene Simmons Vampire Punisher
GS Backstage M&G Vampire Bass Pkg = $7495.
Stage Played Experience = $14,995
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

Legendary Stage Torched Fire Sword
Stage Torched (Fire Breathing) pricing starts at
$12,500. **Will vary based on show date,
This is THE SWORD that GS will use for the one and only fire-breathing song. One Sword per show date.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Fire Sword Info.
Gibson G² Thunderbird Bass

Gibson G² Thunderbird Bass
M&G Pkg $6500
Stage Played pricing starts at

Chrome Blade AXE
M&G Pkg $8995
Stage Played pricing starts at
$16,500. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

American Flag AXE
M&G Pkg $7495
Stage Played pricing starts at
$15,995. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

Studded Punisher
M&G Pkg $7995
Stage Played pricing starts at
$14,995. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

Primitive AXE
M&G Pkg $7495
Stage Played pricing starts at
$15,495. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

Tuxedo Punisher
M&G Pkg $7995
Stage Played pricing starts at
$15,495. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

Natural Wood Punisher
M&G Pkg $7495
Stage Played pricing starts at
$14,995. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

Stone Age Black Punisher
M&G Pkg $7495
Stage Played pricing starts at
$15,000. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

Charisma Punisher
M&G Pkg $7495
Stage Played pricing starts at
$15,000. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

We The People Punisher
M&G Pkg $7495
Stage Played pricing starts at
$15,000. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

Larger Than Life Punisher
M&G Pkg $7495
Stage Played pricing starts at
$15,000. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Blood Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

She White Punisher
M&G Pkg $7495
Stage Played pricing starts at
$15,000. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

She Black Punisher
M&G Pkg $7495
Stage Played pricing starts at
$15,000. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

Radio Active Punisher
M&G Pkg $7495
Stage Played pricing starts at
$15,000. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

MoneyBag™ Punisher
M&G Pkg $7495
Stage Played pricing starts at
$15,000. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

AXE Deluxe Bass
M&G Pkg $
Stage Played pricing starts at
$ *
*Will vary based on show date,
Blood Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

Almost Human White Punisher
M&G Pkg $7495
Stage Played pricing starts at
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

Almost Human Black Punisher
M&G Pkg $7495
Stage Played pricing starts at
$15,000. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

Stone Age White Punisher
M&G Pkg $7495
Stage Played pricing starts at
$15,000. *
*Will vary based on show date,
Song, etc.
*Click here for Madison Sq. Garden NYC Stage Played Bass Info.

Pink AXE Guitar
Stage Played Pkg n/a
The GENE SIMMONS Meet & Greet Bass Signing Includes:
– Choice of Gene Simmons Bass, signed & personalized by Gene Simmons
– Bass Certificate of authenticity signed by Gene Simmons
– Hard Shell Gene Simmons fitted bass case signed by Gene Simmons
– Meet & Greet Backstage with Gene Simmons with up to 3 guests (backstage)
– Photos & Video are allowed with your own cameras
– Up to 4 items of KISS memorabilia autographed by Gene Simmons
(no other instruments, 4 items Total, not per person)
KISS Concert /Event tickets not included in pkgs
To purchase or inquire about payment plans, email
or call 310-994-0566
The Ultimate STAGE PLAYED Bass or Stage Torched Fire Sword Experience
Includes EVERYTHING in the standard Experience AND…
1. The Demon himself will play YOUR BASS on stage,
2. Offered by Gene, for the first time ever…His Stage Torched Fire Sword!
Yes, GS on stage, in front of you and thousands of fans using your bass or torching your sword live in concert. . . then after the show, he’ll personalize and sign it to your liking along with a Certificate of Authenticity and a custom hardshell case, all while we snap tons of professional photos of your incredible experience with Gene Simmons.
*Stage played Basses are modified for Gene to use on Stage as he is actually playing your bass on stage.
KISS Concert /Event tickets not included in pkgs
We understand that certain Gene Simmons Basses on particular tour dates will sell out.
Especially the Stage Played Models.
Also please note that there is only ONE “Bloody AXE” Bass per show.
You may reserve, with a deposit.
This will allow you to begin making payments on your package.
For more information please email us at
We understand that certain Gene Simmons Basses on particular tour dates will sell out. Especially the Stage Played Models.
Also please note that there is only ONE “Bloody AXE” Bass per show.
You may reserve, with a deposit, your choice of bass and first dibs
on your show city/date prior to the tour announcement.
This will allow you to begin making payments on your package.
For more information please email us at
To purchase or inquire about payment plans, email or call 310-994-0566

Join the Gene Simmons
Meet & Greet Experience Email List

About Us
Join Gene Simmons, The God of Thunder himself, as we debut an exclusive collection of 20 personally-owned iconic GENE SIMMONS one-of-a-kind hand painted and sculptural Fine Art Bass Guitar Masterpieces.
Wall Of Fame
Personal messages from members of The Gene Simmons Bass Collectors Club.
Meet Gene On Tour
We will meet you at a designated area at the venue, prior to the show to organize details etc. After the show, you and your guests will be escorted backstage to MEET GENE SIMMONS, in Make-up!